Lush Greensboro family session
When clients trust you to find the perfect night
This Greensboro family wins the award for the most flexible during spring session season (say that 10 times quickly). We had so many changes due to weather, location issues, etc., but they were so gracious and patient to get the perfect day/location. They trusted me to find the best window to shoot. And boy did we ever. It was a perfect evening with low humidity and a lovely warm sunset. And, one of my favorite fields was grown in enough from the annual haircut it gets each fall. Waiting a bit paid off.
Newbies to Greensboro still like myself, it was nice chatting about schools, things to do and restaurants we’ve discovered so far. I had a great time shooting their adorable boys who were so smilely and who warmed to me enough to show a belly (see farther down – tee hee). Naturally I thought it was hilarious, but his side eye below shows that mom had something else to say….such a little boy. He was also super helpful and identified a “bug” that had crawled into my bag. It turned out to be a huge spider, so the little guy did me a solid and kept me from finding it later as a surprise. That would not have been pretty. Dad to the rescue! Phew…
We could have probably shot one or more of our iffy nights, but they were willing to take my advice and hold out for a night we knew would be amazing. I’m glad we did. You never know what you’re going to get in the spring, but Mother Nature has served up some pretty nice days. 🙂
For more family sessions see my galleries here. I still have some sessions open for May and June. Call me at 770-392-0055 to get on my calendar.
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