Miss S’s Inside/Outside Photo Shoot
Miss S was one of my very first Inside/Outside tweens (yes, I’m way behind on blogging). I met her sweet mom through a Bunco gang of red hot babes I was asked to join and she was all in for a session for her only daughter. Working with tweens is such a treat. Each one is so unique. For these sessions we usually start in their room. Girls especially are always so excited to show me their favorite things and tell me stories about what’s in their room (and often on the floor). 🙂
For this young lady it was soccer (and pogo sticking, but you’ll have to scroll down to see what I mean). I heard stories from mom about their trip to see the US women’s team compete in Canada. I heard stories from S about her plans to play for the US women’s soccer team one day. And from all the comments on the surveys friends and family fill out as part of the preparation for this session (and the surprise stuff that comes at the end for each tween), it was clear I was in the presence of a budding star.
Naturally we took some time to chat and do other things like the fan favorite make-a-funny-face-and-change-it-after-every- camera-click game. I also HAD to see the pogo stick action.
A pogo stick is a lethal device in my hands so I left it to the expert. I learned through grandma’s survey that Miss S learned to pogo in 90 minutes. And I saw it for my own eyes in a YouTube video of the school talent show. The photos don’t even come close, but the girl is amazing on that thing. Even better yet, she’s as nice as she is talented.
Words matter a lot to your tween…
Reading through all the surveys for this shoot (and every shoot) is inspiring. Messages from mom and dad, brothers, friends and close family are all there on screen, then get transferred to the magic at the end. And by magic I mean watching Miss S read all the comments mixed in with photos and music. It got really dusty (ahem) in my friend’s kitchen when we all watched the video together for the first time (and then three more times.)
Miss S is loved. Her brother loves her laugh. Her father says she lights up a room. Aunts, friends and grandparents say she is driven, kind, honest, adventurous and magnetic (besides being an awesome soccer player). And now she knows they know that about her. How do you beat that?
Click here to learn more about The Inside/Outside Project, including how session fees are waived for this project. It’s a little bit of work up front, but I promise it’s worth it. For you and your tween.
Book now to secure your slot.
Here’s the pogo sticking (Is that a word?) Anyway, the girl can pogo and jump rope AT THE SAME TIME! It’s unbelievable.
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